Instance: bqp50-4, Dataset: B

Sparse unconstrained BQP instances (density 10%) generated by John E. Beasley as part of the OR Library (1990) where they can be retrieved with weights assuming a maximization objective.
There are ten instances bqpn-i with dimension n=50,100,250,500. These instances are also part of the Biq Mac Library (2007).

Download links: .mc version, .bq version
Instance bqp50-4
|V| 51
|E| 160
dim(Q) 50
nz(Q>) 111
nz(Diag(Q)) 4
OSV -3544
Eigenvalues (min, max) -993.442, 766.043
Known correspondences -

Instance Visualisation

A visualisation of the instance, created with OGDF (click to enlarge).

Edge Weight Plot

A plot showing the frequency of edge weights, for a high-level overview of the edge weight distributions (click to enlarge).

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